Travel Show Marketing Group

Offering solutions that drive success in the travel industry

TravelSMG has partnered with thousands of tourism clients to empower the North American Travel Agent community through education, networking, and global experiences.

At TravelSMG, our sole purpose is to connect Travel Supplier Partners with Travel Agents on a global level. We have a proven track record of producing successful events that offer a balance of education, networking, and product awareness 

Travel Suppliers

Meet directly with over 1,000 Travel Agents at our Las Vegas event or put yourself in front of an elite group of hosted agents at our smaller niche events. Your marketing dollars go directly to the source to maximize efficiency with your spend.


Travel Agents

Each of our Forums provide extensive educational seminars & panels, face-to-face meetings with Travel Suppliers, and top-of-the-line networking opportunities.  


Tools to Succeed

Business branding, social media marketing, destination specializations, and panels with top level industry professionals are just a few topics covered at our events.


Producers of the #1 Travel Industry Events
The travel industry is constantly presented with challenges - and every one of our events offers targeted solutions. We have proven ourselves time and time again to connect the best Agents in the travel community with the most sought-after global Suppliers.

TravelSMG by the Numbers







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